Ambitiously Him Her

King Foundation

Ambitiously Him Her

King Foundation



Teen Parenting Program

Teen Parenting Program

Teen Parent Program
Ambitiously Him & Her King Foundation

Our teen parent program matches a pregnant or parenting teens; ages (13-19) with an adult female or male Mentor. Our Mentors serve as supportive caring role models. Focusing on health care for the mother, father and baby/children, family planning, parenting & child development, education & employment goals.

Services We Provide

•Baby Essential

•Clothing & Hygiene items


•Field Trips

•Opportunity to work with other beneficial programs

•Guidance to other community resources

•Baby Vouchers with access to our baby store

Young Adult Parenting Program

Young Adult Parenting Program

Young Adult Parenting Program
Ambitiously Him Her King.Foundation

Our program is dedicated to build a foundation of responsibilities in young adults both male and female ages 20-23, so they can find hope and live a safe successful life as parents. Partnering them with appropriate mentors focusing on continuing education/employment Independent living, child development, and money management.

             Services We Provide

•Mentoring •Parenting Classes

         •Workshops•CPR/First Aide

          •Sex Education •Young Adult Conferences  •Job Development

Photo by
Founder Latonya Patterson
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