Ambitiously Him Her

King Foundation

Ambitiously Him Her

King Foundation


Young & Parenting in L.A. (Lower Alabama)

Casting Call

Calling all Young Parents......This is an OFFICIAL CASTING CALL📽🎬

If you are a Parent ages 13-23 who would like to share with The World your experience as a Young Parent.....This PROJECT is for you. 

Looking for Mother's, Father's and Couples. 

Let's she'd light on why your PARENTHOOD as a Young Parent MATTERS!!!!

Segment #1: Janiyah

Based on 2015 Center for Health Statistics, Alabama's teen birth rate is 15.5 per 1,000 girls aged 10-19, and Alabama's pregnancy rate is 20.7 per 1,000 girls aged 10-19. Alabama's pregnancy rate per 1,000 girls aged 15-19 is 40.1.

Ambitiously Him Her- King Foundation presents:

Young & Parenting in L.A.(Lower Alabama)

Mini Segments highlighting Young Parents & the struggles they encounter being Young & a Parent.

Segment #2: Alycia

According to 2021 U.S. Census Bureau, out of about 11 million single parent families with children under the age of 18, nearly 80 percent were headed by single mothers. Of all single-parent families in the U.S., single mothers make up the majority. About 4 out 10 children were born to unwed mothers.

Ambitiously Him Her- King Foundation presents:

Young & Parenting in L.A.(Lower Alabama)

Mini Segments highlighting Young Parents & the struggles they encounter being Young & a Parent.

Segment #3 Jabriel/Quese

Teenage fathers face a range of life consequences compared with their peers who do not have children, including decreased educational achievements and increased likelihood of early marriage or cohabitation, a new study co-authored by a Yale School of Public Health researcher has found. 

Ambitiously Him Her- King Foundation presents: 

Young & Parenting in L.A.(Lower Alabama) 

Mini Segments highlighting Young Parents & the struggles they encounter being Young & a Parent.

Photo by
Founder Latonya Patterson
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